Tanning Information

Below is our pricing on our Tanning Bed Packages & Spray Tans! For any questions please feel free to chat with us!


Tanning Bed Information🌞

  • 1 Tan- $12
  • 5 Tans- $45
  • 10 Tans- $65
  • 15 Tans- $72
  • Monthly Unlimited- $75
  • 3 Months of Unlimited - $210; $70/Month
  • 6 Months of Unlimited - $390; $65/Month


⚠️The 5, 10, & 15 Tanning Packages will all last you for 60 days!

⚠️The Monthly Unlimited Package is good for a month and you are able to come tan once every 24 hours except for Sundays because we are closed!


Spray Tan Information!

All spray tan services are performed by Sarah and are by appointment only! She is dedicated to helping you achieve the best spray tan for your most desired glow!💕


We offer two different types of spray tans, Regular and Rapid. The only difference is your rinse time! Your rinse time is just a quick water rinse with only your hand and no soap or loofa/washcloth. With both types of spray tan, you can NOT shower with any type of soap and washcloth/loofa for 24 hours after you are sprayed!


Rinse Times⬇️

🌵Regular: 8-24 hours after being sprayed. (8 being the lightest. If you wait 24 hours you can just take a shower, no need to rinse)

🌵Rapid: 1-6 hours after being sprayed. (1 being the lightest spray tan & 6 being the darkest spray tan!)


  • Regular-$30.00
  • Rapid-$40.00
  • Student Regular-$25.00
  • Student Rapid-$35.00


To book your spray tan appointment Copy and paste the link below to go to our booking system! gypsysun.glossgenius.com 😊